Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Posted by Cyfir On 3:00 PM No comments
Something occurred to me when looking at iOS 7. The colors are reminiscent of AOL back in the day when AOL was so brightly colored that the colors burned in to your retinas and felt like salt, lighter fluid, and fire (all at the same time) in your eyeballs.

What the HELL happened? Apple is supposed to have great design, right? Maybe they need to resurrect Steve Jobs. The reason that I love iOS is the software is so fine tuned and polished that it's pleasing to the eye and pleasing to work with. Why ruin one of those two things? What possible reason did they have to make their top operating system look like something from a teen girl's magazine (I occasionally glance over my shoulder in the checkout lane after grocery shopping...)? I'm not sure if the new features would be worth the eye strain. 


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